Advent Prayer Stations:
Station 1 – Toys
Dump Truck, Melting Paper, Markers,
Water, Instructions
Instructions: The joy of a child
unwrapping a Christmas toy is often a highlight of the season, but we
are often too wrapped up in our “toys” and things of this world
to hear God calling out to us or too see God acting in the world.
What “toys” keep you from fully hearing God? Write them on the
translucent film and then place them in the dump truck, when done,
you may drive the truck over to the water and dump your load into the
water where it will melt away.
Station 2 – Music
Strips From Old Hymnal, Stapler,
Instructions: Look through the strips
of music and lyrics from our seasonal songs, find one that touches
you and add it to the paper link chain. Read over the choices of
others and consider the meaning of the season in the life of the
church and the world.
Station 3 – Trimming
Glass Ornaments, Construction Paper
Scraps, Tinsel, Pens, Instructions
Instructions: This is the season where
we trim our trees, but it's also a good time to consider trimming our
lives. We can do that by trimming off the things we don't want in
our life, or by trimming our life with the beauty of things we want
more of. Think about how you'd like to trim your life, write down
your desires on a scrap of paper and place it in a glass Ornament and
offer it up to God.
Station 4 – Coloring
Crayons, Print Outs Of Christmas Story
Pictures, Instructions
Instructions: We often think of Christ
as the light of the world, but light doesn't just bring illumination,
but also the brilliance of colour. Find a picture that touches you
and sit for a moment and add colour to it.
Station 5 – Hope to the Poor
Basket of Pennies, Money Box,
Instructions: Many cannot afford the
kind of Christmas we may be able to afford. Many do not have enough
to even eat or have shelter. Take a coin from the basket and hold
it. Consider how we may be able to share what we have with others.
Pray that God will give you strength and wisdom to find ways to give freely and generously, then place your
coin into the giving box.
Station 6 – Watching and Waiting
Candle Lit, Prayer, Instructions
Instructions: Sit and watch the
flickering of the light, think about how God coming to light the
world through Christ is a flickering light in the world today, the
places where the light is bright, and the places where it seems a bit
less likely to stay lit. Read the prayer below and think about how
you watch for God in the world today:
advent of our Lord is near and we long for his coming
long for new light to shine where there has been darkness.
advent of our Lord is near and we long for him to call us home
long for new hope to reign where there has been death and despair.
advent of our Lord is near and we long for him to appear
wait on tiptoe attentive to all the signs of his coming
we have caught a glimpse of your Messiah healed world
we long for its coming
long for the place where all beauty comes from
place where all life is renewed
we live in anticipation of Messiah’s birth and the world’s
we long for its coming
we long to come home to your world of wholeness and peace
to your eternal world where love reigns over all. - (Prayer by Theresa Cho)
Station 7 – Words of Hope, Peace,
Love, and Joy
Scrabble Tiles, Instructions
Instructions: We are called to bring
the Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy of Christ to all the world. Think
about ways you can bring these things to the world and add them to
the puzzle, If you can't find a place your words will fit, start a
new puzzle, and see if someone later can make a connection between
Station 8 – Christmas Cards
Christmas Cards, Pens, Instructions,
Marked Directory
Instructions: Think about someone who
may be lonely this time of year (if you need help, check the
directory) and write them a Christmas Card and address the envelope.
Place your sealed envelopes in the sleigh and we will make sure they
get delivered!
Station 9 – Light of the World
World Map, Stickers/Stick Pins,
Instructions: Jesus knew what it was
like to be an outcast, to be at risk, to be an outsider, to struggle
in a world where powers rage. These struggles are all over the
world. Take a sticker and place it on the map in a place where you
know people need peace and prayer.
Station 10 - Kingdom Thoughts
Air Dry Clay, Instructions
Instructions: Part of the waiting of Advent is not just historical, but ongoing today as we wait for God's Reign here on earth. Use the clay and the creative abilities God has given us to create an item, or symbol, or word that represents part of what God's Reign looks like and add it to the scene on the table.
Station 11 - Memories
Christmas Smells (Peppermint, Gingerbread, Potpourri, Pine, etc.), Instructions, Markers, Paper covering Table
Instructions: Take in the various smells around the table and write down what memories they bring about, As you look over your memories, see what prayers they inspire, maybe for yourself, maybe for others, and take a moment to share those prayers with God.
Station 12 - Prepare ye the way
Soil, Gutter, Spade, Seeds, Instructions
Instructions: We are called, as John the Baptizer was, to prepare the way of God, to make the ground fertile, and to plant the seeds of faith. Take a moment to till some soil and add a seed and as you do so consider the places in your life where you can help prepare the soil and plant the seeds for others to find justice, peace, love, joy, and thus find God.
Station 13 – Walking in the light
Electric Candles, Garland set up as a
spiral on the ground, Instructions, Small Table, Space
Instructions: Take a couple of deep
breaths before beginning. Step into the spiral, and walk quietly to
the middle thinking about the year gone by. Think about places you
felt close to God and places God felt further away. Once you get to
the middle pick up and turn on a candle, as you walk back out, find a
place where it seems appropriate to set your candle along the garland
and leave your candle there.
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