of the Day
This weekend here in Charleston we are reminded that God indeed welcomes all, so this morning
we will begin a simple song, which can be found in our hymnal as Hymn
399 God welcomes all, but you may choose to join in the song with the
repeating phrase as I lead or just listen for God, we will close the
prayer with the words found in your bulletin. God of justice,
your word is light and truth. Let your face shine on us to restore
us,that we may walk in your way, seeking justice and doing good.
As many of
you may know this is my last Sunday at HVPC, so our first hymn is one
of my favourites, originally over 100 verses long, but we will just
sing the 5 in our hymnal, Hymn 610 – O For a Thousand Tongues to
Our second
hymn this morning is fitting in the midst of the Summer Olympics, a
celebration of God's people and world: Hymn 340 – This is my song.
to Confession
we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay
aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely by confessing
our sins before God and one another. Let us pray.
of Confession
all the hard things we have said to one another
us, O God.
all the things we should have said, but didn’t
us, O God.
ignoring the lonely
us, O God.
changing ourselves just to fit in
us, O God.
going along with the crowd
us, O God.
listening to those who didn’t have our best interest at heart
us, O God.
asking you for worthless things
us, O God.
wanting what we don’t need
us, O God.
taking what we don’t want
us, O God.
taking for granted all the good gifts you give us
us, O God.
believing we are alone
us, O God.
us, God of Mercy, for not knowing what we do to you, to others, to
ourselves. Speak to us through your words filled with tender
mercy and gracious hope.
Silence is kept
Silence is kept
of Pardon
is the good news: God prepares a new way for us: a way to grace,
to hope, to new life. Joyfully,
we offer our thanks. Amen
response is again a countered simple song, Hale Hale Hale, found as
Hymn 591 in the hymnal. Again feel free to join in as you feel
comfortable or just listen.
of the Peace & Announcements
peace of God’s grace is meant to be shared with all of God’s
creation. Let us share this peace with our neighbors that we might
rejoice in the new life in Christ our Shepard.
Lord be with you
also with you
us great one another with the peace of Christ
of Illumination
you love justice and hate oppression;
you give peace to those who seek it,
and you condemn the rage of violence.
Give us courage to take our stand
with all victims of bloodshed and greed,
and, following your servants and prophets,
look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. Amen.
you love justice and hate oppression;
you give peace to those who seek it,
and you condemn the rage of violence.
Give us courage to take our stand
with all victims of bloodshed and greed,
and, following your servants and prophets,
look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. Amen.
- Jeremiah
I a God near by, says the Lord, and not a God far off? Who can hide
in secret places so that I cannot see them? says the Lord. Do I not
fill heaven and earth? says the Lord. I have heard what the prophets
have said who prophesy lies in my name, saying, “I have dreamed, I
have dreamed!” How long? Will the hearts of the prophets ever turn
back—those who prophesy lies, and who prophesy the deceit of their
own heart? They plan to make my people forget my name by their dreams
that they tell one another, just as their ancestors forgot my name
for Baal. Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let the
one who has my word speak my word faithfully. What has straw in
common with wheat? says the Lord.
word of God
be to God
of Backpacks
we have before us backpacks to be carried to and from school by those
gathered here. These backpacks will contain work to be done, work
that's been returned, books to be studied, tools to complete
homework. Notebooks, pencils, pens, protractors, compasses, crayons,
rules, scissors, glue sticks and other items used for school work
will find their way in and out of these backpacks. Some days, so much
stuff will fill these backpacks that the student may find it
difficult to walk. Other days, they will be light and nearly empty.
But on each and every day, these backpacks represent work required of
the students gathered here. And, as in every aspect of our life, we
bring these before God for blessing at this time.
us pray together:
God, bless these bags and each child who will use it. May they not be scared, be with them as they learn and grow this year. Show them how to serve you and others and help them as they teach us all about your love.
God, bless these bags and each child who will use it. May they not be scared, be with them as they learn and grow this year. Show them how to serve you and others and help them as they teach us all about your love.
also bless those of you who work in the schools, so if you work in
any way with a school, please stand. Lord God, we ask your blessings
on these who serve you in so many different ways. We pray that you
would give them patience, wisdom, and a sense of humor. Use them to
show your love and to grow with those around them in your grace.
we bless all those who are part of the baptismal promises made in
this community, so all stand: Each of us are called to support,
encourage, and pray for those who are part of our community. We are
all called to be teachers and learners alongside these children. We
now bless you and remind you of your promises to support these
us pray. "Lord God, bless all the people you have gathered here
today. Especially bless them as they support, protect, and encourage
the children among us. May they, with the children, be both teachers
and learners. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.
Sermon - Dreams and Reality
is my last sermon here at Harbor View. Since I will not be preaching
at my new call, it'll be my last sermon for a long time, and like the
timing of my move, the text today is not one I would have chosen as
it is far too often misinterpreted and misunderstood. This text
speaks of God being against dreamers, and dreamers being against God.
often this text is used to argue that those who challenge us to do
more, to think about creating God's world of Love and Justice, to
open our doors and hearts wider, are working against God. But that
interpretation misses the very thing that the text is trying to tell
us. The dreamers in this text are not picturing what should be, or
even what could be, but instead speak of going back to what was (that
which is comfortable, and insular to their community) while using the
fear of the unknown to control God's people (“don't look forward,
remember how great it used to be!”). This echoes the song that was
sung a few youth Sunday's ago “Painting Pictures of Egypt” which
spoke of the idea of the hebrew people making the very idea of being
slaves something rosey and better than following God in a hard time.
These dreamers found others at fault and those listening were to get
all they wanted. Like those dreamers, these were dreamers stuck in
the past, trying to provide happy memories in place of real hope.
These were dreamers telling you who to hate and how they would be cut
down to size in the future.
too often want these dreamers in our world today. Tell us who goes
to heaven and who goes to hell. Tell us that the past when we felt
powerful and comfortable on top of the world is how it should be.
Tell us that if the world doesn't return to how it was, then others
will get it, so they better get with us. Tell us . . . anything but
what God's word says about prophets and what God plans.
– Tell us where WE'VE gone wrong, or tell us what WE need to
change, or tell us about how WE will move forward, not in spite of,
but because of the way the world is changing US.
Plans – Challenge US to act, Call US to broad new risks, Change US
from our limited thinking of God's work and will.
what about us today? Who are the dreamers, and who are the prophets?
The dreamer will tell you that we've lost our way, but that we have
the answers. The prophet will tell you that we have lost our way and
WE need to change our actions. The dreamer will tell us that we go
back to things and things will get better. The prophet will tell you
that we are moving forward and that God is already ahead of us and
here with us asking us to change and be changed. The dreamer will
tell you who is in and who is out, who to fear and who is for you.
The prophet will tell you who is out and tell you that you have to
welcome them in.
is the challenge this text leaves us with. To not listen to those
wishing for what was, or providing false hope for how things could be
again, or match what we know as comfortable. But to hear God's voice
in those who are moving us into places uncomfortable, places where we
have to face our anxiety. For that is what Jesus does to his
followers time and again, make them face the things they don't think
are possible and see God doing what God does regardless. So we have
to listen to the prophet telling us who we aren't welcoming, listen
to the prophet telling us to keep moving further from the center
because God is already there, God is not sitting waiting, God is
moving out, God is reaching out, God is pushing us out, to be open to
whatever it is that will come. To be willing to be bent, to be
flexed, to be stretched, and to KNOW we are still in God's hands
as I leave HVPC, this is MY challenge to you. Welcome ALL. Risk
ALL. Move into the uncomfortable. Seek the God who is Love and LOVE
ALL. Love everyone with all you have. Think big and speak with God
about what may yet to be. Keep moving towards that unknown, trust
ALL you have to a God who love you, and you, and you and you and you
and every single one of us created in God's image, even those who we
have a hard time seeing God in, God loves him, God loves her. And we
must do likewise, not in an effort to save them from something, but
simply because we are called to love like God, and God is in each and
every one of us. Love! Welcome! Go! Risk! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Create
space for God, and God will create space for Us, but we must listen,
and respond.
Response comes in the form or one more simple song, We will walk with
God, Hymn 742, join the song or listen for God.
of the People and Lord’s Prayer
God, you call us to love and serve you with body, mind, and spirit
through loving your creation and our sisters and brothers. Open our
hearts in compassion and receive our gifts, as well as these
petitions spoken by our congregation on behalf of the needs of the
church and the world.
Prayers of the People, concluding with:
Holy One, hear our prayers and make us faithful stewards of the fragile bounty of this earth
as we pray the prayer you taught your disciples to pray saying:
Prayers of the People, concluding with:
Holy One, hear our prayers and make us faithful stewards of the fragile bounty of this earth
as we pray the prayer you taught your disciples to pray saying:
Father who art in heaven . . . Amen
Our next
hymn is one of my favourite new hymns, it is often known as the
Summons as it is mostly written as a call from God, Hymn 726, Will
You Come and Follow Me.
the Benediction, I ask that you join in singing stanzas 1&4?
of Hymn 375, Shall We Gather at the River. This was the first song I
ever sung in a church, and it is a reminder that while time and space
may be put between us, nothing can separate us from the love of God
and the community of Faith. Let us share in our Benediction together.
cross, we will take it.
bread, we will break it.
pain, we will bear it.
joy, we will share it.
Gospel, we will live it.
love, we will give it.
light, we will cherish it.
darkness, God shall perish it!
in Peace!
Hymn 375
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